
Call for Proposals: Research on “The Cost of Conflict: Economic Impacts of the Conflict in Sool

Somalia’s northern Sool region has been embroiled in a nine-month conflict between local authorities and Somaliland administration, that has significantly disrupted the lives of its inhabitants. While the human toll is often the focus of attention, the economic impacts of this conflict are profound and far-reaching. The conflict has led to the disruption of local economies, destruction of infrastructure, loss of livelihoods, and has stifled economic growth and development in the region. Understanding the economic impacts of the conflict is crucial for formulating effective strategies for recovery and development in the post-conflict period.


We are seeking research proposals that will comprehensively examine the economic impacts of the conflict in Sool. The study should aim to:

  1. Summarise the direct and indirect economic impacts of the conflict on local businesses, trade, agriculture, and livelihoods.
  2. Analyse the impact on infrastructure and public services, including transportation, communication, and utilities.
  3. quantify the economic costs of displacement and migration resulting from the conflict.
  4. Determine the effects on employment and income levels in the region.
  5. Provide an analysis of the long-term economic outlook for Sool, considering the ongoing conflict.
  6. Develop and present recommendations for policymakers, development agencies, and local stakeholders on strategies to mitigate the economic impacts and promote recovery and sustainable economic growth.

The scope

The selected research team or individual will be expected to:

  1. Conduct a thorough literature review of existing research and data on the economic impacts of conflict, particularly in the Sool region.
  2. Design and implement a mixed-methods research approach, combining quantitative data analysis with qualitative interviews and case studies.
  3. Gather and analyse data from a variety of sources, including local businesses, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and affected communities.
  4. Produce a comprehensive research report that details the findings, provides insights into the economic impacts, and offers actionable recommendations.

Who can submit interest?

This call for proposals is open to research institutions, universities, think tanks, and independent researchers with a proven track record in conflict studies, economics, and related fields. Applicants must demonstrate experience in conducting field research in conflict-affected areas and should have a strong understanding of the socio-economic dynamics of the region and Somalia as a whole.

Submission Process and Requirements

Interested must send a proposal and supporting documents to with the subject line “Proposal Submission: Economic Impacts of the Conflict in Sool.”

The submission will require to submit the following documents:

  1. Research proposal (maximum 1,000 words), including objectives, methodology, work plan, and timeline.
  2. CVs of the research team Lead
  3. Examples/links of previous relevant research or publications.


Proposals must be submitted by 5th September 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.

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